Attracting Birds and Bees to Your Garden
to Mar 17

Attracting Birds and Bees to Your Garden

  • The Morton Arboretum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Birds and bees are an important part of healthy landscapes. Learn how to attract birds and bees to your garden in this live, interactive online class with landscape designer Carol Becker. Start with the basic principles of sustainability, and learn how to assess your garden based on these principles. Over the course of two sessions, we will also cover: 

  • how birds and bees benefit both the landscape and people,

  • which native plants for birds and bees you might expect to attract to your garden,

  • methods for building healthy soil (the foundation of garden success!),

  • managing water onsite for the benefit of insects and birds,

  • and maintaining the garden for birds and bees.

Between classes, work on an at-home assignment designed to help you transform a section of your garden into a bird- and bee-friendly space.

This live online class will be offered both days from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


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Design a Memorable Front Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Design a Memorable Front Garden

Design a stunning front garden that integrates seamlessly with your house and neighborhood. In this two-session course you will learn how to:

  • assess sunlight for plant selection,

  • design curves and pathways in the front garden, 

  • create seasonal interest,

  • use foundation plants, fragrant shrubs, and specimen plants,

In the second session, we will begin to develop a custom drawing for your new front garden. You will go home with the information you need to create a front garden that draws guests in and enhances your home.

This is a 2-session course on March 4 and March 11, 2020. Class will be held both days from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.


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Shrubs for Illinois Gardens
9:00 AM09:00

Shrubs for Illinois Gardens

This class will include a list of the best shrubs and multi-stem trees for the Chicagoland region, including natives, which have many benefits. Discover shrubs that offer fragrance and continuous bloom. Learn planting and maintenance to promote shrub health, such as creating healthy soil and basic pruning tips. Join me to learn about all the best shrubs for Illinois gardens. You can register here.

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Designing a Small Garden
9:30 AM09:30

Designing a Small Garden

This is a two-session class: April 16 and April 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day.

Registration coming soon

Join Sage Advice to learn about designing small garden spaces, select plants and prepare a simple drawing of a garden design. Sage Advice will also provide participants assistance in selecting plants available at the Morton Arboretum Plant Sale at the end of April.

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Creating a Vibrant Shade Garden
9:00 AM09:00

Creating a Vibrant Shade Garden

March 7, 9 a.m. to noon, with studio time March 14 and 21

To enroll, click here.

Achieve beauty in the shade! Bring life and interest to even the shadiest parts of your landscape with plant lists, design ideas, and maintenance tips from Sage Advice Landscape Design.  We will begin by answering the question: Is it shade, or is it SHADE? Once we understand what type of shade you have in your garden, we will discuss design techniques for shade.

Following the informational session, the optional workshop sessions in Weeks 2 and 3 will provide professional guidance to participants who wish to design their own shade garden.

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